Who is BE MY A11Y?

Who We Are

Does your digital presence need enhancing and rejuvenation? Do you wish to grow your business and increase your clientele? Be My A11Y, LLC is a website design and software auditing service that assists you in managing your company’s digital solution.

Whether you are looking to simply revamp your webpage or trust a vendor to monitor your software’s progress, Be My A11Y provides a variety of resources to help you reach your goals.

Our Strategy

We pride our foundation in one central concept: web inclusivity. By removing technical barriers, we strengthen your online presence, allowing you to increase your market and grow your business. Approaching our work through this paradigm ensures that your website is easy to navigate and accessible to all visitors.

Our Mission

Here at Be My A11Y, we strive to educate the world on one simple fact: inclusive design benefits all people. Society functions at optimal efficiency when individuals of all backgrounds and limitations have equal access to information. Improving digital spaces creates greater engagement, productivity, and market potential.

Education is key. With a mission rooted in inclusive design, our goal is to make our a more accessible place – starting with you.