What is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility refers to the process of designing and developing a website in which people can still utilize and navigate digital interfaces regardless of disabilities and limitations.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of guidelines that provide the basic standard for web accessibility. WCAG is categorized into levels of conformance indicating the amount of adherence for digital solutions with Level- AAA being the highest form of web accessibility.  

Our society currently operates on WCAG version 2.1 with the next iterations (WCAG 2.2) coming out soon.

Web Accessibility includes a number of benefits: more customers, cost savings, and the retention and increase in millennial employees.

Website and software auditing requires a level of concentration and technicality - that’s why we are here. Purpose of our audits is to ensure you are meeting optimal guidelines and providing your customers with the most usable solution possible. We are responsible for ensuring your website meets optimal regulations/standards/guidelines outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to Level AA.

Tools and technology are designed in a way where each user can effectively navigate the website and utilize the site’s resources.

Some of the Benefits of having an accessible website include:

  • More Customers

    • A study in the United Kingdom (UK) found that around 20% of the population has some form of disability, and 71% of those web users with a disability will promptly leave a website that is not accessible and easy to navigate.

  • Accommodating individuals with disabilities allows a company to market and sell their services to an additional 20% of costumers.

  • Cost Savings

    • The Forrester Research study found that implementing accessible web design minimizes the rate at which users abandon websites, which results in an estimated additional $2.4 million in annual revenue.

    • Legal Fees for accessibility litigation

    • Avoid legal fees for accessibility litigation

  • Retain and increase millennial employees

Are you interested in updating your online presence and making a solution more usable for all users? If so, feel free to Contact Us